Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What a "Seusstastic" Week!

Wow!  So much has happened and I haven't even been keeping up with my blog!  Today, while making fun writing with paint on our hands, I let the students have fun with my camera.  I am so sad because my husband bought me a new camera for Christmas and I am just not happy with it.  I cannot get it to take good pictures.  I think it is too smart and all I needed was a point and shoot camera... so please forgive my messy pictures! 

We had our Portfolio Conferences where the parents come in and look over their child's work for since the beginning of the year.  We are big on showing our growth off!  The students come so far in just a short amount of time and they all need some Bragging Rights!  The parents seemed to enjoy spending the time with their children.  I did take pictures of the parents, but I will just email them to the parents instead of putting them on here... I have all my students permission to be on here, but the parents I don't!  So they get out of being on here!  :)  Thanks for coming and supporting your child!  They love sharing their learning with you.

Last week we had Career Week and we had different activities all week long.  One of my favorite activities are the "Dressing Up Day."  They all looked so precious in their outfits and they all outdid themselves.  Just look at how cute they are!  We had a big parade where we show off our careers with the rest of the school.  Who doesn't enjoy showing off in the parade???  (I had 4-5 students out ALL week last week, that is why I didn't have all their pictures!) 


This is our door!  We didn't win, but I thought ours was very cute, but I guess I got the whole career thing mixed in with what they were asking... I have to follow my own advice...

We were supposed to make a theme for our door for COLLEGE... I kind of did what we were working on... MY DREAM CAREER IS.... but they still turned out super cute!  We did a PowerPoint page and they inserted pictures that showed their career.  We then made pennants of the colleges we wanted to go to. 
They did a great job with it!

Not only did we have a fun week last, we had a wild and crazy storm pass through on Friday.  Let's just say that Mrs. Harpley doesn't enjoy storm/tornadoes at all.  We had a threat of one and next thing I know, the wind is blowing like crazy and hail started!  Anyway, they did a great job and I moved them away from the window and just waited until it was over.   
I love my class! 
When it stopped long enough to open the window, we had a great Science experience with hail! 

Ok... I HATE having my picture taken... but I thought I would put a picture of me up since the kids enjoyed being the photographer for the day... here we are working on some fun Dr. Seuss writings.

Thanks so much to Mel over at her blog... Seusstastic Classroom!
The kids LOVED this fun activity.  I will have more to follow when they are all finished!  Here is a sneak preview! 

And yes... I am wearing a tie!

Finally.... today was "Tied" up in a good book!  They all had to wear their ties and get tied up with a good book!  Too bad today, we didn't have much time to read other than our reading book!


1 comment:

  1. THank you for visiting my blog! I am your newest stalker...hehehe

    I LOVE that you have HAIL!!! It gets so hot out here that I would put a thermometer on the outside of our classroom door and compare it with temperatures required for cooking food...hahaha...Seriously though, I am NOT looking forward to the heat...Arizona. I grew up by the beach, so AZ still doesn't feel like home )-;

