Thursday, January 5, 2012

Half Way Through!

Can you believe it?  The New Year is here and we are half way through this school year already!  I cannot believe it.  We have already done so much this first week back! 

I want to brag about how awesome my class is... They all worked so hard the last nine weeks for 2 things... The first thing was AR.  I had all 22 students not only meet their goal, but mostly all of them EXCEEDED their AR goal.  I am so proud of them and their hard work on their reading and comprehension.  I want them to have a love of reading and not to do it just because they have to do it to reach their goal.  The thing I love about AR is the fact that they really learn how to comprehend what they are reading.  Along the way, I see that most of these students really WANT to read, not just because they have to.  They develop that love for reading that I am talking about. 

We are reading a chapter book now in class called, Cupid Doesn't Flip Hamburgers.  They are really loving The Bailey School Kids adventures.  I love to change my voice and hear them laugh and really love all the different characters in the book.  I love it when they go back to their seat and try to read their book while changing their voices.  That shows they are really getting into a book!  I LOVE it! 

Here is a picture of my awesome and talented 2nd graders! 
They all made their goal and they should be so proud of themselves!

My top 2 Readers were Noel and Nicholas. 
They both had over 200%! 
Way to go!!!

The second thing I am so proud of these great kids is for their behavior.  They all SAVED their Bronco Bucks for our Dance and Wii Party tomorrow!  They needed to save $50.00 for the party, but because of their positive behavior, they all had over $50.00 to participate in the party.  I will post pictures tomorrow.  In class I am trying to teach/instill the difference between needs and wants.  I know we all want a new toy off the Braggin Wagon, but maybe some of us might really need a new pencil.  They are also learning how to save with our Bank.  I open the bank once a week so they can deposit or withdrawal money to spend on the Braggin Wagon.  What a great way to learn about saving and spending!  Tomorrow, we will all be enjoying ourselves because they all saved their money to participate in this fun event!  I can't wait!

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